Interest Free Study Loan

SIET interest free study loan is granted to deserving students who are aspiring to attain their tertiary qualification or working adults aspiring to upgrade themselves within their respective employment sector.


  • Singapore Citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident of Indian descent and others of South Asian origin (Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)
  • Have gained admission for a full-time/part-time Diploma/Degree programme at any Edutrust-accredited local/private and government-aided institutions
  • Per-capita household NETT income (PCI) of $1,600 per month or less
  • Have applied for financial assistance at their institution before applying with SIET
  • Applicant to provide his/her plan of funding for their course (Bursary, scholarship, and any other study loan)
  • 2 sureties are required and must fulfil the following requirements:
    • Singapore Citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident
    • Aged 21-55
    • Basic monthly income of at least $2,000 and above, and not an undischarged bankrupt
    • Only 1 surety can be a family member, 2nd surety should be a relative or a friend

** PCI is nett income of all family members, divided by the total number of family members in the same household.

Loan Quantums

  • Diploma Programme – Up to $18,000
  • Degree Programme – Up to $30,000

Loan amount to be disbursed is at the discretion of the management committee, taking into consideration the applicant’s circumstances. The management committee’s decision will be final.

Repayment of Loan

  • Full-Time Programme: Repayment commences 6 months after graduation
  • Part-Time Programme: Repayment commences 3 months after disbursement

All applicants are required to attend a panel interview. The decision of the panel is final.